Monday, November 29, 2010

Too little research, too late

So AP last week played catch up and ran this story about Whoonga, which we've discussed earlier.

In a marked contrast to the Aljazeera and ABC News stories I found (links in original post), as well as the information supplied by Project Whoonga, Associated Press leads with the assertion that "there's no evidence that any ingredient of the AIDS drug cocktail is addictive or does anything to enhance the marijuana high. Whoonga smokers may be fooling themselves into believing the AIDS drugs are giving them a high, when it's really some other ingredient, says Dr. Njabulo Mabaso, an AIDS expert."

I'm wondering what makes Dr Mabaso, an AIDS expert, the person to get your information off about the addictiveness and effects of Whoonga?

Given that ABC's Nightline and Aljazeera have done their own investigative journalism and met dealers, addicts, their families and the people who are trying to help them rather than just asking an "AIDS expert" (whatever that means), and given that the information they have received all agrees that Whoonga is physically addictive and has definite effects over and above a marijuana high, I think you need to not swallow everything you hear like Marie Antoinette's cake and dig a little deeper.

Poor work, Donna Bryson. Poor, poor work.

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