Thursday, November 4, 2010

That's ma gal!

I'm sure you, dear reader, don't need to be a rocket scientist to guess my political leanings - that I disagree completely with all forms of government currently practiced (and no, that doesn't make me an anarchist, it makes me a Pepperist - I have my own master plan for when I finally take over the world) but, if forced to choose, I'm definitely on the left.

However, I LOVE Sarah Palin. She's ma gal. Partly because of Tina Fey (I'm not generally a Fey fan but her Palin impressions are GOLD) and partly just because. She's awesome. She's so cool, so wrong, so fake, so hilarious... she's like wrapping your little brother up in bubble-gum tape.

I give her heaps of credit for helping Obama win in '08 - and, with any luck, she'll win the Republican nomination and hand the '12 election to Obama too!

Here's some photos of her being SUPER AWESOME :D

In all seriousness, I really do love Sarah Palin. Please keep doing exactly what you're doing, SP. <3


Sarah in a leather jacket! Isn't she SO AWESOMELY AWESOME? She's so awesome I can't think of any word other than "awesome".

1 comment:

  1. lol

    haha nah, not howe st

    the hat was $3.50 from look sharp though :)
