Right. That's it. I'm sick to fucking DEATH of the whitewash. The pussyfooting around. The boring as beige buttons representatives of my generation, terrified of showing an original thought or an unpalatable opinion. So, Pepper, whatcha gonna do about it?
The answer is... this. It's not much, but by god I need to do something.
"Major changes for TV3 - C4 to go mainstream"
When I first saw this article with it's picture of cardboard cutout Shannon Ryan, I assumed they had to be taking the piss. How the hell could C4 get any more mainstream? The bravest thing C4 has ever done was... nope, didn't think so, can't find anything. Sure it got in trouble way back in '05 for screening Popetown but it was super lame anyway so who gave a shit?
With any luck the airways will be slightly less clogged after the changearound. Complete and utter tripe like Rock of Love, Daisy of Love, Rock of Love Charm School (IS there a lower common denominator than the "Rock of Love" franchise?) and Tough Love will definitely not be missed. Unfortunately, it's the gleefully youth-oriented programming - Animation Stations, Bogan Family Films, even Skins - which provided the most compelling drawcard for C4.
New Zealand doesn't need C4 to go more "mainstream" - it needs it to put up or shut up. To start being bold, brave and innovative or make way for a station which can.
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