"BP dispersants 'causing sickness'"
As if the BP Gulf of Mexico disaster didn't make me sick enough, people are now being severely poisoned by the toxic, illegal dispersants BP has "admitted" spraying over the spill area.
"The dispersants are being added to the water and are causing chemical compounds to become water soluble, which is then given off into the air, so it is coming down as rain, in addition to being in the water and beaches of these areas of the Gulf".
One woman reported a plane spraying dispersant over her house - "fine mist covered everything, and it smelled like pool chemicals. Noah [her asthmatic son] is waking up unable to breath, and my husband has head and chest congestion and burning eyes".
Others who came into contact with the dispersed oil reported vomiting and peeing brown, bloody mucus-filled diarrhea, coughing up "white foam with spots of brown in it", bleeding private parts and ears, burning eyes, sore throats, headaches, coughing... "toxified people who have been chemically poisoned".
This literally makes me feel ill. As if the spill and BP's response weren't sickening enough, as if poisoning the water and removing people's livlihoods wasn't enough, they have started directly killing people. Who will be held responsible? What will their punishment be? How long will BP be allowed to continue given their hideous disreguard for human life and the environment? My guesses - no one, nothing, and indefinitely. Christ what a mess.
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